Friday, September 5, 2008

Hope you're ready to buy some popcorn!

Mason is now a real Boy Scout! He actually signed up and went a few times last year. Being that it was a new school, the "den" was also new - translation: there was no one in it. The idea was to build a new den based on the students from the new school. Unfortunately, there were only 2 boys in it. The other boy was also from Mason's class (most terrible year in the history of school, remember?) and he was often absent from scouts because he had a "color change" or principal referral (in first grade, seriously) and wasn't allowed to attend. Anyway, we got some awesome new neighbors over the summer that have 3 boys right around Mason's age and they participate in a very active and large den, so he joined theirs! Yeah. Popcorn sales start September 23.

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