Thursday, July 14, 2011

I've had a really busy week

which is to be assumed since I didn't have the kids really going to anything this week. Mason was at a church camp that has "tool time" in the morning and "sports" in the afternoon. He seems to enjoy it. In fact, he does the best when he has near constant activity.

I hope you will leave me a comment on how wonderful this picture looks. This is a finished product on a custom order, but it's also the first photo on my new "system" for trying to photograph my larger names and word wall art. I think that the pictures may be limiting the sales of these items. So, Mark had to go over to my dad's where there was a large pile of 4 x 8 (feet) sheets of drywall. We are borrowing it for now. He also borrowed some paint and he painted up this giant sheet of drywall, hung it up on his work area of the craft room (which I had already been inching my way into with my crafts, pushing the fishing gear and tools further to the edges of the space), and even mounted the display shelf right onto the board. 

I will now be re-photographing (for maybe the 5th time) the wood words. I'll let you know how it goes. If this is successful, this may have to be submitted to etsy for some sort of space make over or seller's tips  section. Heaven knows, I have been working on these pictures for-ever! 

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